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  • HikCentral-P-OutdoorStation-1Unit
Na objednávku
Licencia pre videovrátnik
Obj. čislo:
Video Intercom Outdoor Station Expansion package Prerequisite:Access Control Base package or Video Surveillance Base package Warranty:none Supported: -Access Control: 1 door manageable -Video Intercom: 1 outdoor station manageable.
Additional: Answering calls, Calling schedule setting, Advertisement applying Note: The outdoor station can be deployed for different scenarios, please refer the following guidance: 1. Regarding the common access control scenarios, the Access Control Base package is needed for remote controlling DOOR or assigning access permission to DOOR of outdoor station. 2. If the outdoor station is only used for video surveillance and video recording, only the Video Surveillance Base package and Video Surveillance Expansion package are needed, but the Access Control Base package is not required. 3. If user have the above two management requirements, the Video Surveillance Base package and the Access Control Base package are required at the same time.

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Otázka k produktu: HikCentral-P-OutdoorStation-1Unit - (401000637)

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Licencia pre videovrátnik


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