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Čítačka ATEX a IECEx - až 4 diaľkové antény
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The UHF ATX4 is a high performance ATEX & IECEx certified multi-antenna reader designed to streamline your vehicle or driver identification applications in explosive environments. It is especially suited for your contactless identification in (petro)chemical, gas filling stations, refineries, onshore/offshore plants and nuclear industries. The readers fit the two essential industry requirements security and reliability.;; Applications in harsh environments; Our solutions are especially well suited for all your identification and asset tracking applications requiring explosion proof equipment: chemical and petrochemical industries, in refineries or in nuclear power plants, mining…;; The simple solution for enhanced access; The high-performance identification - up to 10 m / 33 ft* - ensures comfort and reliability for fluid vehicle access, without compromising safety.; The ATX4 reader offers the highest security levels by encrypting and signing your identifiers to protect access credentials against copying and damage using methods recognized by independent organizations specialized in information security (ANSSI).;; Scalability & ease of installation; With its four remote and independent antennas, the ATX4 reader can be adapted to all your long-distance identification requirements, such as the control of fleets of diverse vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.) or the identification of wide or multiple lanes (up to 4 adjacent lanes).

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Čítačka ATEX a IECEx - až 4 diaľkové antény


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