

  • EasyRemote
Na objednanie
Dekodéry pre RS485 transparent
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The EasyRemote interface makes the reader transparent for direct authentication with the chip in accordance with the official recommendations (ANSSI architecture number 1). The security parameters are located in the safe area and the decoder converts the RS485 secure communication into Wiegand or Clock&Data protocol.;; Plug & Play smart interfaces for transparent readers; The EasyRemote transfers security mechanisms and key storage in secure area, making the reader transparent to directly communicates with the card chip.;; Benefits; ? Plug & Play integration on controllers with Wiegand or Clock&Data protocols; ? SAM software with the same security mechanism than in the CSPN certified reader; ? Reader and interface programming by secure configuration cards (SECard); ? Supports standard and specific diversification methods (CIMS Ministry of Defense card, French government & police cards – “Cartes Agents”, STITCH…); ? Tamper protection input on interface to erase keys; ? Accelerometer-based reader tamper protection system: key erasing in the interface if the reader is tampered;; The innovative tamper protection system protects sensitive data and gives the possibility to delete the authentication keys. Unlike the current solutions on the market, the reliability of the accelerometer based technology avoids it being outsmarted.

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Dekodéry pre RS485 transparent


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