
Enclosure (ENCR-10)

  • Enclosure (ENCR-10)
Na objednanie
APB plastová skrinka pre riadiacu jednotku s napájacím zdrojom (110~240v, 50/60Hz)Rozmery : 340mm x 500mm x 90mm
Obj. čislo:

Prílohy na stiahnutie

Enclosure is exclusively used with CoreStation. Enclosure's high performance is a result of its backup battery, tamper switch, an 8-inch power distribution board, and power status LED. Its long battery life ensures that there are no interruptions in operation. It is a unique all-in-one package which has all the components of a controller.;; Enclosure provides both physical security and electrical protection.; Physical Security; Tamper switch; Electrical Protection; - Low-voltage battery protection; - Protection from short circuit, overload and over voltage; - Battery reverse polarity protection;; The rechargeable battery provides 12V, 7Ah when AC input fails. It helps the system to function seamlessly and without any interruptions. ;; Enclosure provides all the components for a controller in one package including the status LED board, the 8-inch power distribution board, and power supply.


Hmotnosť2 kg

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Enclosure (ENCR-10)

APB plastová skrinka pre riadiacu jednotku s napájacím zdrojom (110~240v, 50/60Hz)Rozmery : 340mm x 500mm x 90mm


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